Saturday, November 15, 2014

Life, Liberty and Cats

With the new age of technology we have created apps, internet and other stuff. With these new technologic devices there has ushered in a new era of freedom. With this freedom some companies make apps and websites to make money with ad revenue. Some of these well known apps and sites are ifunny, and

"This video made Youtube popular." -Nathan Greenhagan
"I can't compete with that [your blog]" -Nathan Greenhagan
Another cat video is called Funny Cats Compilation [Most See] Funny Cat Videos Ever Part 1. This video has over 20 million views and the YouTuber who uploaded this is named 'Forget Your Sadness'. When anyone can upload anything to the internet why do they post cat videos? The reason that these videos get popular is because people like and watch many of these videos at a time. They also watch them because nothing gets your mind off of a bad day at work like a funny cat video where cats act ridiculous in front of a camera. 
Studies show that there are many benefits from having pets like cats including things like,
  • Less chance of having depression
  • Lower blood pressure 
  • Pet owners over age 65 make 30 percent fewer visits to their doctors than those without pets.
  • Having a pet may ward off allergies.
  • Exercising with a pet leads to a healthier lifestyle.
"Pets are a great way to beat the blues. Not only are they known to they offer unconditional love, but they may also give their owners a sense of purpose, which can be crucial for those feeling down in the dumps." -Animal Planet

It seems like there is a cycle to happiness. You go to a terrible job so you can make money and live. You spend money on things that make you happy like a phone, food, clothes, water, a car and other 'essentials' like make up and deodorant. These things try to make you happy by improving your appearance or ability but in the end, happiness cannot be bought, it can only be given. This continues the cycle by thinking that the next thing you get will make you happy. You get old and retire and in the end all you have to show for it is retirement and 10-20 years with nothing to do because the chase is what made you happy.  Its always a race for the next thing and to feel fulfilled with your life. And in the end you are racing for death because that is what is at the end. Sorry for sounding so pessimistic. Although life is a journey, long or short, it's always best to run with a friend.
The constitution of the United States of America

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